# show only X leaf classes; default show all classes #$top = ""; # how many refreshes before exit; default no auto quit #$counter = ""; # delay between checking speeds in seconds; default 2 #$timer = "2"; # sort leaf classes by speed (0|1); default 0=no #$sort = "0"; # show classes with 0 speed (0|1); default 0=no #$zero = "0"; # what type of classes we use (0|1); default 0=htb not hfsc #$hfsc = "0"; # what units to use when showing speeds (bit|kbit|B|kB); default bit $unit = "kbit"; # interface to list classes; must be specified here or as parameter in command line # command line parameter overwrites this one #$iface = "imq2"; # enable colors (0|1); default 0=disabled $colors="1"; #colors to use #'RST' - reset #'RED' - red #'GRE' - green #'YEL' - yellow #'BLU' - blue #'PIN' - pink #'LBL' - light blue #'BRED' - bold red #'BGRE' - bold green #'BYEL' - bold yellow #'BBLU' - bold blue #'BPIN' - bold pink #'BLBL' - bold light blue #%color_set = ( # 'Name' => 'GRE', # class names/numbers color; default GRE # 'Speed' => 'RED', # speeds color; default RED # 'Range' => 'YEL', # speed range color; default YEL # 'Neutral' => 'BPIN', # delimiters, settings names color; default BPIN #); # class names to use #%names = ( # '1:1' => 'All', # '1:2' => 'Crit', # '1:3' => 'Prio', # '1:4' => 'User1', # '1:5' => 'User2', # '1:6' => 'User3', #); # rchtb #%names = ( # '1:1' => 'Główna', # '1:2' => 'Internet/ACK', # '1:3' => 'Serwer/Usługi', # '1:4' => 'ICMP', # '1:5' => 'P2P', # # '2:1' => 'Główna', # '2:2' => 'Internet/ACK', # '2:3' => 'Serwer/Usługi', # '2:4' => 'ICMP', # '2:5' => 'P2P', #);